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Another Day, Another Revolution
Roast chicken, tomato, bacon and blue cheese with mayo on homemade bread.
Sound like a nice sandwich? My daughter thought so. That was her lunch one day last week, which also happened to be the day most of the rest of her class were having their school-provided hot lunch, which on this day was “chicken burger”.
We have Alexandra signed up for hot lunch for just one day a week, pizza on Tuesdays. The pizza comes from a local pizzeria that I know makes a decent pizza from scratch, not one of the awful pizza mega-chains. Still though, I think she’s getting a little tired of the pizza as it’s only a cheese pizza and the pizza that her pop makes at home has a LOT more stuff on it typically.
I’d be more than happy to make her bagged lunch for her five days a week so we’ll see what happens. Since we don’t eat any processed foods at home, you can just imagine what I thought of the hot lunch choices such as Thursdays “chicken nuggets.” If you’ve seen the episode of Jamie Oliver’s Food Revolution that explains the make-up of the typical chicken nugget, you’d likely be at least a little apprehensive toward feeding them to your kid (I was and continue to be revolted).
It’s understandable that some parents don’t want to go to the trouble of making a from-scratch lunch every day. Kids are often picky and it’s hard to come up with new ideas for stuff they’ll eat each day. Alexandra takes forever and a couple weeks to eat a sandwich but thankfully she likes a huge variety of flavours so making an interesting sandwich for her each day is not that hard. And yes, not only does she like blue cheese, she insists it’s one of her favourite foods. She declared a while ago that she doesn’t like pasta salad but that’s a subject I plan on attacking (and winning) again soon.
Speaking of Jamie Oliver, he’s just started a new season of Food Revolution, this time set in good ol’ Los Angeles, California. The problem with this one though is that the school system is dead-set against having him in their schools to do anything. They want to keep him out so they can continue to fatten and lazy-sise kids with pre-fried smiley face potatoes and packaged chicken cutlets? Okey doke.
While I’ll likely make Alexandra’s lunch for her until she’s able to do it herself (perhaps still six months away), I came across a cool business based in Victoria, B.C. that aims to provide healthy, from-scratch lunches for kids as a convenience for parents and a healthy alternative for kids. Lunchalicious is run by two women that saw the need for healthier lunch options for kids and turned it into a business. See their site at www.lunchalicious.ca.
So what are your thoughts on school lunches? What are your kids eating each day at school? Would you use a service like Lunchalicious if it was in this area?
I’ll get those adoption papers signed up right away.
I’m still working on getting Alexandra to accept something other than sandwiches for her daily lunch, but thankfully I’ve at least been able to have some fun with the concept. Sometimes it’s just regular bread, sometimes bagels and sometimes pitas.
I’d really like to prepare a pasta salad or other type of salad once or twice a week but she won’t have it – so far. One thing she does love for lunch is a simple sushi roll. A single roll, stuff with green onion, avocado and perhaps some red bell pepper strips makes five or six pieces to pack for her lunch. I have to omit wasabi, but she loves it!
I would like you to adopt me and make my bag lunches please. I try to bag lunch every day at work because it’s healthier and cheaper and just makes sense but I just get so very bored of making them!