The Making of Mering...

Lisa and Alexandra team up to prepare some lemon meringue pie for our Easter dinner dessert. Share...

Uptown Saint John: G...

Digging through the crates at Backstreet Records on Germain Street. By Michael Hawkins Backstreet records has been in the heart of every local musician and music fan since it first set up shop in Uptown Saint John back in 1980. It was one of the businesses that first caught my attention when...

Pizza! Halifax Style. Eat it (video) Feb13

Pizza! Halifax Style...


Alexandra’s Top Notch Mango Salad. Jan21

Alexandra’s To...

From right around the time Alexandra could say “da da”, I’ve made a point of teaching her as much as I can about food. By the time she blew out the candles for her second birthday, I could put a pizza dough in front of her, a bowl of sauce and some grated cheese and after a...

Video: Udon mushroom yakisoba Jan08

Video: Udon mushroom...

I’d like to say that I was inspired and feeling creative and really into Japanese food and all that, but the reality is I just didn’t have a lot of food on hand for lunch one day and this was the result. Thank goodness I at least had a few fresh mushrooms in a bag in the crisper....

Recent Delights, Vol. 22. Dec20

Recent Delights, Vol...

Adding some magic to Atlantic Salmon in the form of curing. A super-easy gravlox, or cured smoked salmon. This is a cheater version that uses smoked paprika along with the salt, suger and pepper to give it a smokey and slightly smokey note. Wonderful stuff.  We inhaled all of it in two days....

No Time Machine Necessary. Meat Loaf Rocks 2012. Nov09

No Time Machine Nece...

If you’ve been kicking around the Food Funk global scene for a while, you know that my team is a huge fan of the classics. We love our burgers, our spaghetti’s, our pizza pies and we love us some meat loaf. This classic, made popular in the 1950s by housewives while the Don...